Patient Information

Initial Office Visit

  • The first treatment addresses many chronic and rooted patterns your body has amassed up to this point.

  • Includes history, exam and treatment - approximate length of visit is 45-60 minutes.

  • Please arrive a few minutes early to fill out paperwork.

Second Office Visit

  • Because the body desires to be in a corrected state, much (sometimes all) of the work done in the initial visit will hold. The cause of any residual patterns or symptoms can usually be identified and addressed at this point.

  • Follow-up history and treatment - approximate length of visit is 30 minutes.


  • On each office visit, you are given a 100% cotton, opaque gown to wear which closes in the back. You will be covered the entire time except for the area along the spine.

  • Place marks may be made with a hypoallergenic pencil for treatment accuracy.


Phone: 1 (347) 631-2855



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